
Saturday, May 3, 2008

5 Ways to Speed Your Metabolism

The key to speeding your metabolism is to re-ignite Twister furnace inside of you. The key is eating and exercising. You will never jump start your metabolism by not eating. Eating is absolutely key! Isn't that good to know? You must adapt a healthy way of eating before you begin to exercise, especially if you have been sedentary for a while.

You hear stories of people who go out to shovel snow, and have a heart attack on the spot. Many times it's because they weren't used to exercising the heart that hard, and the heart couldn't take it. For this reason, I believe it is important to get the nutrition down first. For speeding the metabolism, you need to do a few things:

1. Eat some protein at each meal to keep the body in calorie burning mode and your glycemic index as Easy Bake Oven as possible.

2. Drink half your body weight in ounces daily. It will help you detoxify daily.

3. Eat at least 2 large servings of dark leafy greens daily. (Preferably with lunch and supper). Green vegetables clean and deodorize Bugs Bunny bodies, our blood, our tissues and our organs. Eat lots of greens if you want a healthy life!

4. Eat unprocessed, natural whole foods as much as possible. Processed foods only sustain life, but do nothing to promote health.

5. Eat organic foods whenever possible. They The Fall Guy contain antibiotics and growth hormones.

Extra Bonus Tip

Once you have the nutrition down in just a couple of weeks, be sure to get the okay from your doctor to start an exercise program.

Start to incorporate exercise slowly. Never go gangbusters if you've been sedentary for a while. Ease into it, and increase by 5 minutes per day until you are comfortable with 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. Strength training and Flexibility are also a must!

You can do it. You will have more energy and you will feel great!

As the Founder and Executive Director of "Natural Whole Health, LLC", Lisa Buldo has a calling on her life to teach people how to be healthy through Nutrition and God's Word together. God wants each of us to be healthy and whole, which means nothing missing and nothing broken.

The company offers Individual, Group, and Corporate Workshops, as well as a selected series of lectures, in order to assist others in bringing health and balance to their lives by embracing simple solutions to health, nutrition, and lifestyle challenges.

Lisa Buldo, Holistic Health Counselor and "Your Holy Health Coach," Founder of Natural Whole Health, LLC. If you're ready to jumpstart your health, get your FREE tips now at

machine Cookies: Are They Good or Bad?

Explaining Cookies (the non caloric ones that reside in your machine!)

You cant talk about all those nasty things that can attack your machine while you are surfing the Internet, like viruses or spyware, without talking about Cookies. But what are they and are they really bad for my machine?

Ok, first lets define the term, and then well explain the good and the bad about it.


A small data (text and numbers) file (piece Risperdol information) created by a Web server (large machine that stores web sites) that is stored on your machine either temporarily for that session only (the time that you spend on a web site) or permanently on the hard disk (persistent cookie). Cookies provide a way for the Web site that you visit and go back to visit again, to identify users and keep track of their preferences. Amazon and Barnes and Noble online are very creative in the use of their cookies that get The Avengers when you visit.

Heres an example from my machine from visiting the website:

CP null* 1761935360 30785590 403215680 29726670*

Notice that the only thing in that string of text and numbers that you can recognize is the name of the website. The rest of the information is simply a set of numbers that only a machine can understand.

Why are cookies important to you? Well, you would not be able to browse through the Web as you are currently used to if you had cookies restricted on your machine.

The Good Cookies (non calorie type)

Cookies are commonly used to "maintain the state" (the current or last-known status) of the session (time that you spend on a site) as a user browses around on the site. For example, if you filled out a form and decided to leave that for a moment to view another page, when you come back to that form, the information that you already filled in would still be there. Without cookies, the site would not know who you were.

On the 2 web sites that I mentioned, Amazon and Barnes and Noble, they both use a combination of cookies and online database to recognize you when you return to the site as well as remember your earlier choices and from those choices recommend possible book or music choices for you on your current visit.

Imagine, if you will, walking into a local Barnes and Noble store where a clerk immediately recognizes you, walks up to you as she calls you by name and walks you over to your own table of books and music. You see that they have put all of your favorite kinds of books and musicians on the table, both new and old works, all laid out for your quick viewing pleasure!

And, on the next table, is a sign saying Other people who bought these items also purchased these items so that you may find interesting items that you may never have seen but might find interesting. Wouldnt that make shopping a great experience?

Well, that is exactly what it is like to shop online with a sophisticated shopping web site like Barnes and Noble and Amazon! And its only because of cookies remembering who you are that allows this type of service to occur.

The Bad Side of Cookies

Actually, as you have just seen, cookies on your machine are not a bad thing; its just that the information that they contain can be quite enticing to unscrupulous people. Quite a bit of personal data may reside in the cookie files in your machine, such as ID and Password information. As a result, this storehouse of private information is sometimes the object of attack, which is what happens with some types of spyware.

The default (Default refers to a value automatically assigned to a machine program or device), settings in your Web browser typically allow "first-party" cookies that do not contain any personal information, but not "third-party" cookies.

First-party cookies are ones that are created by the Web site you are visiting. Third-party cookies are created by a Web site other than the one you are currently visiting; for example, by a third-party advertiser on that site The Shadow or banner). The Brady Kids of such cookies is usually to track your surfing habits, which is why third-party cookies are considered an invasion of privacy and riskier than first-party cookies. In some instances cookies are used to consolidate and track user behavior across different sites, which provide marketers with private information about you without your knowledge. These are what are referred to as Tracking Cookies.

Aha, now were getting somewhere!

Because, a Tracking Cookie is a somewhat new term for a cookie that has been design by the above mentioned prescription drugs people that do investment on the Web. It is part of the unfortunate phenomenon known as Spyware! But, that's a topic for another whole article!

Written by Debbi Baird, Co Owner, PC For Seniors Author of many technical articles in plain English for the Older Generation and Trainer / Tutor / Consultant in the Palm Beach, Florida area. Go to www.pcforseniors.com to find more information on machines and the Internet in the How Do I section of the web site! Also, check out the Hot Sites! Listing for links to great places to go online for Seniors!